Crested Barbet (Trachyphonus vaillantii)

java sparrow ( Lonchura oryzivora)

The Java Sparrow bird or also known as "Lonchura oryzivora" is an endemic bird native to Indonesia. This bird is known for its beautiful characteristics with black, white and red colors. The Java Sparrow is a small bird that generally has a body length of about 15 cm and a body weight of about 20 grams. 

The Java Sparrow bird can be found in eastern Indonesia, such as the islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa. In addition, this bird is also found in several areas in the Philippines. This bird's natural habitat is agricultural areas, forests, and urban areas.

Java Sparrows usually live in large groups and have different diets. They eat various types of grains, such as rice, corn, and wheat. In addition, this bird also likes fruit, nectar, and small insects.# The Java Sparrow bird has a beautiful voice and is often used as an ornamental bird because of its beautiful color. However, in reality, these birds are often hunted and taken from their habitat to be sold as ornamental birds. This causes the Java Sparrow bird population to decrease in the wild. 

Therefore, the Indonesian government has issued a law that prohibits trade in Java Sparrow birds. In addition, there are several conservation efforts being made by several organizations to protect this bird. One way is to breed the Java Sparrow in captivity and then release it back into its natural habitat. 

In Indonesian culture, the Java Sparrow bird is known as a bird that brings good luck and success. Therefore, this bird is often kept at home as an ornamental bird and given special food. However, keep in mind that this bird is a wild animal that must be protected, and we must ensure that the Java Sparrow that we care for comes from captivity and not from capture in the wild.

Overall, the Java Sparrow bird is a beautiful bird and has an important role in the ecosystem. However, its existence which is increasingly threatened should become a concern for all of us to make conservation efforts and protect this bird so that it can live and thrive in the wild.
